Sunday, November 6, 2016


  May I ask you something, what if one day when you woke up your community, no wait for it; your country is now the murder capital of the world? I'm assuming that as Americans we would think of this as an atrocious, and unacceptable situation, right? I know, I know, I'm totally right on this one! I apologize for feeding my ego here. Now, onto the most serious issue here. In case you aren't fully informed, or aware of what's currently going on in the Central American country of El Salvador; don't worry that's perfectly fine. That's why I am here for. To inform you. Lately, immigration, as we all know has caused a passionate, emotional, and heated debate within our political spectrum. Specifically, among Hispanics like myself. What a coincidence that I of all people would be writing about this. Sarcasm at it's best! The issue of immigration might not necessarily be of a great importance, but it sure does seem like a popular topic in our current presidential election, but then you ask yourself what does this have to do with Texas? And I will say this. Texas has a lot to do with immigration. Why? because it is believed that up to 90 percent of immigrants that have been apprehended on our southern Texas border are from Central America. That's why.  A quick note before I begin writing even more. I tend to be very biased, and I do apologize for that, I also seem to be somewhat of an activist. But someone has to speak the truth. Go democracy! 

Image result for salvadoran civil war pictures
Image result for el salvador civil war  I find it quite bizarre though (Ironically speaking) that El Salvador seems to be what I call a "U.S. Puppet" by that I mean since the level of violence that the gangs MS-13 and 18th street pose to society can be traced back to El Salvador's Merciless, 12-year civil war, which till this day still cuts deep wounds in the country. Now, back to the U.S. involvement in the Salvadoran civil war. The United States just so happen to have"U.S.-backed, right-wing soldiers" in El Salvador, but the left-wing (Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front) opposed their political philosophy and declared a full-scale war. It was official! The Salvadoran Civil war had begun, which sought out to see more than "75,000" deaths, beginning in 1980, and ending in 1992. It was truly horrendous times for El Salvador. But while the war was in full action many Salvadorans decided to flee their country and head North to the U.S. in order to not be killed by the guerrillas. Gustavo Villatoro, a former assistant attorney general states, “Those of us who lived in areas dominated by guerillas had to migrate,” he said. “Because I didn’t want to be a guerilla by choice, I was going to be made to be one. And if not, they’d kill me. And they’d kill my family, too.” When immigrants set foot on American soil they arrived with literally no money, leading them to start from scratch, forcing many families to live in poverty-stricken areas. A most famous area East Los Angeles where the MS-13 and 18th street gangs were formed. But these gang members who were mostly young and wild teenagers were soon deported back to their countries, bringing with them a new level of war. Gang war. I am not necessarily pointing the finger at the U.S. for this current uprising gang problem in El Salvador, and various Central American countries; but what I am questioning is why not deal with the problem that we as a country began; rather than just leaving it to a vulnerable country in which I call a proletariat of the United States.

Image result for ms 13 and 18th street gang violence pictures

   If you're wondering why so many Salvadorians are now suddenly migrating to Texas, It is because unfortunately, El Salvador is now home to two of the most brutal gangs in the world: The Mara Salvatrucha, and (La 18) or eighteenth street gang. In the 1990s when "former president Bill Clinton"-- was in the white house he, and his administration "aggressively," decided to deport as many illegal gang members as they could. Although what the Clinton administration didn't realize was that the new gang problem originally formed in the U.S.  was going to be a real burden on the Central American govt. It was a fact; the Central American govt wasn't prepared to deal with the "level of organization" that the MS-13 and their counterparts brought to Central American countries.  


 It really doesn't surprise me why so many Salvadorans, Hondurans, and Guatemalan's have decided to flee their countries. They're fleeing the violence and drastic poverty levels that they face. The ruthless violence that the MS-13 and 18th street gangs have brought with them has influenced them to recruit as many members as possible, including children as young as 10 years old. Then people wonder why so many Latin Americans decide to flee their countries, they're not leaving because they want too, it is due to the very limited economic opportunities that their countries offer them. What I am trying to convey here is that most of the people fleeing, El Salvador, are families, single parents, and even lonesome children. Better yet Salvadorans along with Central Americans are now considered refugees as well. The main priority of many immigrants like the Salvadorans, Hondurans etc... is to be able to give their children a better life. So that they won't have to endure the penurious situations that their countries face. Ultimately, Texas happens to be a clandestine route for immigrants, and I frankly do not blame them. Nor do I recommend them to come to Texas, but they're in search of the fallacy known as the AMERICAN DREAM. Is that something that we should deny humanitarianism, the ability to dream. What do you think? 


  1. I like my classmate’s article about the gang violence in el Salvador it was very informative about the situation happening there. I also like the layout of his blogs he includes pictures and a very nice font, in my eyes this makes the blog easier to read and lessens the chances of me just looking away. The blog is filled with my classmates opinions as well as some facts about hoe life is over there to show how crappy of a place it is. You said that Salvadorans leave their country not because they want to but because they have to because their country has little economic opportunities. A question I have for this that was not addressed in the original blog, is it the poor side of those people fleeing or are the quote unquote rich people also being affected by the gangs or are they okay?

    1. Thank you, Omar Ortiz

      From the research that I have done thus far, I can't seem to find enough information in regards if the uprising gang war is also affecting the wealthier people of El Salvador. Sadly, from what I do know is that the people that are most affected by the unfortunate gang war tend to be the poor. I'm assuming that the gang war in El Salvador doesn't necessarily affect the wealthier people, considering that gang members mostly live in the slums of El Salvador. Unfortunately, I can't fully answer your question and I do apologize for that, I just could not find enough information, but as I've said, I'm sure it doesn't affect the wealthy as much. Keep this in mind my friend. Money makes the world go round.

      Sincerely, Alfredo Jaimes

    2. In other words, the wealthier aren't fleeing the country because most likely they have legal permission to come to the United States. Again money talks.

      Sincerely, Alfredo Jaimes
